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The Collaborative Pilot Grants (CPG) program aims to stimulate research projects between Wake Forest University Reynolda Campus faculty and another institution, including Wake Forest University Health Sciences, that will lead to extramural funding for both institutions. Up to $30,000 will be awarded for each project. The number of awards is contingent on availability of funds.

All CPGs are subject to the Terms and Conditions for Internal Awards (DOC). The project period is 1 year, with the possibility of a 1-year, no-cost extension. When the grant is awarded, an account will be established at the university and a subcontract issued to the collaborating institution. Funds will be disbursed on the written authority of the investigators or designated representatives. Unless an extension (without additional funds) is requested in writing 10 days prior to end date, any unexpended balance will be returned to the main account. Within 90 days after the grant terminates, a final progress report must be submitted to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). It should describe how the CPG contributed to the preparation and/or funding of extramural grant applications.


CPG awards are restricted to collaborative efforts between full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty or research support staff with adjunct faculty appointments, with preference to projects that are not yet competitive for external funding. Preference will also be given to collaborative projects that have not previously received internal funding. Please note that researchers should only submit one proposal per funding cycle.

Post Docs are not eligible to apply for this grant.

Applications will be evaluated on scientific merit, originality, significance, potential to generate extramural funding, and the benefits of, and need for, the collaboration.


Applications must be typed. Type width should be no smaller than 15 characters per inch. The following format is required:

I. Cover Form – The 2-page cover form should be completed and signed by the investigators and their department chairs. Institutional approval is required for all non-Wake Forest University Reynolda Campus faculty. Please see IX. for more information about institutional approval.

A. Abstract: A 250-word summary of the proposed activity, suitable for publication. Clearly address intellectual merit and broader impacts in separate statements.

II. Project Description – The proposal should be sufficiently detailed to be clear to the committee of general scientists. Figures, tables, and other graphics may be included to enhance clarity.

A. Objectives and Significance: State precisely and realistically what the project aims to accomplish, what hypotheses it will test, why the results and the collaboration are needed, and potential broader impacts. (1 page)

B. Background: Review the literature most pertinent to the project, including your own preliminary data. Critically evaluate existing knowledge, specifying the gaps that the project is intended to fill. (3 pages)

C. Methods: Describe the experimental design and methods in terms that can be grasped by a generalist in the field. How will they test each hypothesis? Describe experimental procedures in sufficient detail to allow assessment of their feasibility and relevance. If proposing new methods, describe their advantages. If several experiments are proposed, indicate their priority in a timeline. Explain how the data will be analyzed (e.g., statistical design and analysis). Note how you will address potential pitfalls or limitations in procedures and data interpretation. (5 pages)

D. Project Relevance: Describe how the proposed studies will generate pilot data to enhance extramural applications that support the applicants’ long-term research programs; the aims of the planned extramural grant; a timeline for submission; and the agencies from which funding will be sought. (1 page)

E. References: Include only the most pertinent references.

III. Personnel – Designate all associates, research assistants, technicians, or students involved in the project and describe their expertise.

IV. Research Support – List facilities, equipment, and funding from other sources. If departmental or other support is available or pending, explain the need for CPG support.

V. External Funding Sources – List specific funding opportunities or programs from which external support will be sought after the CPG is completed. Please contact Stephen Williams ( in ORSP if you need assistance in identifying funding opportunities.

VI. Budget – ($30,000 maximum) Indirect costs are not allowed on this grant. Funds can be requested for research supplies and services, technical assistance, publication expenses, equipment, animal costs, and travel between campuses, including parking fees. Funds for faculty salary and secretarial support will not be considered. Funds for undergraduate student support are rarely granted, since they can usually be obtained through the WFU Undergraduate Research Fellowships. Funds for technical support staff have been granted occasionally since no other campus source supports these costs. If requesting such funds, include appropriate fringe benefits.
Funds for graduate students will be considered only if the funds will be used exclusively for the pilot research (and not for existing/ongoing research projects). If funding for a graduate student is requested, funds for a stipend, tuition, health insurance, and other fees should be included in the budget. In addition, applications should include documentation of the nature of the work of the student and the planned hours. During the project, the applicant should track the actual number of hours the graduate student spent on the project, especially if the student worked on more than one project during the funding period. Please see the Graduate Assistantship Stipends and guidance for Graduate Student Tuition and Fees on Sponsored Projects on the ORSP website for more information.

If the collaboration will need additional funding, indicate the source and amount. Clarify how the budget will be divided between the two institutions.

VII. Biosketch. Attach a current biosketch/CV of no more than 4 pages for each investigator. NSF or NIH format may be used.

VIII. Description and Outcome of Previous Internal awards: Briefly describe internal awards received within the past 4 years and their outcomes.

IX. Institutional Approval. All applications must include a letter, signed by the authorized official for the collaborating institution, acknowledging that the institution supports the project and agrees to enter into a subcontract with WFU should an award be made. Indirect costs are not allowed on this grant. Please use the Official Letter of Institutional Support.

X. List of WFU Collaborators.  Please list your WFU/WFUHS collaborators from the past four years; specifically, faculty who should NOT review this proposal based on personal or professional conflicts of interest.

Email a complete copy of the signed application form and proposal as ONE (1) pdf file to Rick Orzechowski ( Hard copies (in addition to the pdf) will also be accepted by ORSP no later than 5 P.M. on the deadline date.

Please allow several weeks for review.

Reynolda Campus

Rick Orzechowski
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
306 Reynolda Hall

Contact ORSP
