Research & Sponsored Programs

Wake Forest University’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs supports the Vice Provost for Research, Scholarly Inquiry and Creative Activity in establishing and enhancing research programs and scholarly endeavors of nationally recognized excellence. We assist Reynolda Campus faculty in their pursuit and management of sponsored activities; support communication and publicity about faculty distinction; work to assure ethical research achievement, especially involving human subjects, in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations; and protect the university’s interests.
For assistance please contact the ORSP staff.
In pursuit of these goals, we offer Reynolda Campus faculty the following specific services:
Identification of suitable funding opportunities
- Search for suitable sponsors and advise on approach
- Dissemination of targeted information on programs, policies, and trends
Proposal preparation
- Provide editing services
- Advise on correct interpretation and use of guidelines
- Prepare the budget, in consultation with the researcher
- Prepare standard forms
- Obtain proper administrative signatures/authorizations (researchers are not authorized to sign their own proposals)
- For collaborative proposals, obtain the budget, necessary forms and authorization from the collaborator, if WFU is the lead institution; if WFU is not the lead, obtain specific requirements from the lead institution
Human Research Protections
- Support the Institutional Review Board in protecting the rights and welfare of human participants involved in research conducted under the auspices of Wake Forest University, in accordance with its Federalwide Assurance and the highest standard of ethical conduct
- Establish and implement research policies governing conduct of, and accountability for, human subjects research
- Ensure university and program compliance with all applicable federal, state, and county regulations
- Make training available for investigators conducting research using human subjects
Grant/contract administration
- Receive, review, and negotiate awards
- Provide approvals under expanded authorities; see “Where to Go for Help (PDF)” for examples of administrative activities and offices that can assist
- Interpret federal and sponsor guidelines for administering awards
To provide the highest quality services, ORSP requires adequate lead time prior to proposal submission. Without sufficient lead time, many of these services are difficult and sometimes impossible to provide. Actual lead times vary, but the following are general guidelines the researcher should follow:
- Editing – providing a draft 2-3 weeks prior to proposal submission date is optimal
- Budget – 1-2 weeks prior; budgets for collaborative projects with the medical school must be completed according to WFUHS policy; Reynolda campus budgets are needed approximately 7 days prior to submission in order for the proposal to be finalized and routed on the medical campus
- Administrative forms – 1 week prior, provide PI and proposal-specific information
- Prior approvals – consult sponsor guidelines; normally, 10-45 days prior to award expiration date
It is also helpful if researchers inform ORSP as soon as they know that they are submitting a proposal, especially if submission is in response to an RFA, RFP, or involves the use of a new electronic proposal submission system.
Contact ORSP
- Use of eIRB is required for all new research studies involving human participants. Go to eIRB
- All external proposals and fellowship applications must be approved in Cayuse SP prior to submission. Go to eVisions Research Suite (access to Cayuse SP and Cayuse 424)
- Current Funding Opportunities
- Deadlines for Reynolda Campus Proposals
- 2024 Annual Report