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Our goal is to assist Reynolda campus faculty in the development, submission, and nonfinancial postaward management of research proposals. Some of the services we provide are:

Identification of suitable funding opportunities

  • Search for suitable sponsors and advise on approach
  • Help to locate and obtain sample proposals, if possible

Proposal preparation

  • Advise on correct interpretation and use of guidelines; at the researcher’s request, we can meet to discuss proposal requirements in advance
  • Prepare the budget in consultation with the researcher
  • Assure budgets are adequate for proposed project
  • Assure compliance with RFA or RFP, sponsoring agency and university
  • For collaborative proposals, obtain the budget, necessary forms and authorization from the collaborator, if WFU is the lead institution; if WFU is not the lead, obtain specific requirements from the lead institution
  • Provide training and assistance in the use of electronic proposal submission systems
  • Prepare standard forms, such as a cover page and table of contents; at the researcher’s request
  • Assure that forms contain the most current and applicable information
  • Provide editing services for proposal drafts

Administrative approval and submission process

  • Obtain proper administrative signatures/authorizations (researchers are not authorized to sign their own proposals)
  • Ensure that proposal is reviewed and approved internally via the online system Cayuse prior to submission
  • Submit the proposal to the sponsor

Grant/contract administration

  • Receive, review, and negotiate awards
  • Provide approvals under expanded authorities; see “Where to Go for Help
    for examples of administrative activities and offices that can assist
  • Interpret federal and sponsor guidelines for administering awards

To provide the highest quality services, OSRP requires adequate lead time prior to proposal submission. Without sufficient lead time, many of these services are difficult and sometimes impossible to provide. Actual lead times vary, but the following are general guidelines the researcher should follow:

  • Editing – providing a draft 2-3 weeks prior to proposal submission date is optimal
  • Budget – 1-2 weeks prior; budgets for collaborative projects with the medical school must be completed according to WFUHS policy; Reynolda campus budgets are needed approximately 7 days prior to submission in order for the proposal to be finalized and routed on the medical campus
  • Administrative forms – 1 week prior, provide PI and proposal-specific information
  • Prior approvals – consult sponsor guidelines; normally, 10-45 days prior to award expiration date

It is also helpful if researchers inform OSRP as soon as they know that they are submitting a proposal, especially if submission is in response to an RFA, RFP, or involves the use of a new electronic proposal submission system.

Contact ORSP
