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Mary Foskett

Wake Forest University Humanities Institute

Awarded $235,000 for the period 2/7/13 to 7/31/15

Source: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

The award continues to support innovative, interdisciplinary humanities collaborations to expand the scope of research, teaching, and creative activities at Wake Forest.

David Phillips

Integrating humanities across national boundaries: The promise of CHCI

Awarded $50,000 for the period 1/1/13 to 12/31/15

Source: Mellon Foundation / Duke University

The Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) has launched the Humanities for the Environment North American Observatory The WFU Humanities Institute leads the South Cluster, collaborating with the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University and the University of Minnesota. In the first two project periods (January 2013–June 2014), it convenes small research collectives to survey the history of environmental change in each partner region; conducts and records interviews with community leaders and regional activists; organizes collection of regional environmental histories; and begins the design and construction of a web-based documentation project to disseminate the research outcomes. During the last two project periods (July 2014–December 2015), the partner centers will organize a second round of cross-disciplinary research and public workshops focused on how the arts and humanities can help public communities to imagine their environmental future. They will continue video documentation of these sessions; launch a full version of the website to disseminate results; and join with representatives of the North and West Clusters at a national meeting.

Wake Forest University Humanities Institute

Awarded $75,000 for the period 8/1/11 to 7/31/12

Source: National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

This Challenge Grant supports the establishment of a Humanities Institute that develops the opportunities, resources, and funding to spark exciting, innovative interdisciplinary collaborations that expand the scope of research and teaching, attract outstanding new faculty and students, and enhance intellectual community in the South.

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