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Philip Clarke

Care Train Project

Awarded $13,551 for the period 7/1/14 to 6/30/15

Source: Wake Forest Baptist Health (WFBH)

Prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is an estimated 14% to 100% higher among African Americans than Caucasians (Alzheimer’s Association, 2013). Even though African American caregivers provide primary care for longer than other racial groups do (Stevens et al., 2004), they tend to underuse formal dementia services due to limited access and perceptions that these services are not culturally sensitive or relevant and to rely on their churches (Bullock et al., 2003). This pilot study aims to create a culturally sensitive, accessible, and sustainable support- group program for African American caregivers. First, counselors will conduct a support group at a large African American church to understand caregiver needs. Based on this information, they will develop and implement a program to train lay caregiver support-group leaders. Finally, counselors will observe several lay-led caregiver support groups to assess challenges and participant outcomes. Preliminary data will inform a proposal to support a larger program at several local African American churches. If successful, this model could be exported to the African American community at large and be modified to assist other underserved groups.

Samuel Gladding

Fulbright Specialist Grant

Hacettepe University, Turkey, from 14 May to 12 June 2010

José Villalba

Latino Parents Learning About College (LaP-LAC) Program

Source: Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

LaP-LAC is a college-planning curriculum in Spanish and English to inform parents about the US educational system and to support their roles as planners and providers for their families. It is presented in partnership with religious congregations and community centers. Drs. González (UNCG) and Villalba (WFU) will measure the feasibility and efficacy of the LaP-LAC program in increasing Latino parents’ ability to provide information that contributes to their high school-aged children’s success and college access. They will also determine the impact of LaP-LAC on the postsecondary educational options Forsyth County’s Latino high school students pursue.

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