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Pursuant to §200.333 Retention requirements for records in the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) will maintain paper copies of sponsored project (awarded proposal) files for three years, unless a longer retention period is specified by the sponsor or award agreement. The three-year window begins after the submission date of the final expenditure report.

ORSP files usually include an original or copy of the award, correspondence to and from the sponsor, subawards/subcontracts, if applicable, as well as original and revised budgets. In general, paper copies of technical proposals are not printed since access is available on-line. ORSP files do not include copies of invoices or financial reports, which are maintained by Financial Services in accordance with their practices, but for no less than the retention period stipulated by federal guidelines.

ORSP began using Cayuse SP to maintain and manage sponsored project proposal and awards in July 2015. Eventually, all proposal and award records will be saved electronically. ORSP will contact the Principal Investigators when their proposals are still pending for more than one year to determine their status so that they may be updated in Cayuse accordingly.

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