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It is Wake Forest University practice to budget funds for graduate student tuition in all sponsored project proposals when allowed by sponsor guidelines. The amount budgeted is based on a percentage (shown below) of full time graduate student tuition. These amounts should be included in all proposals that also request funding for graduate student stipends, regardless of the total of the direct costs requested. Please note total tuition is flat each year ($38,650) and the percent charged to the grant increases instead. Tuition should be requested for each graduate student included in the budget.

Grant Total>=$100,000*<=$100,000*
AY 24-2527%13.5%
AY 25-2628%14%
AY 26-2729%14.5%
AY 27-2830%15%
AY 28-2931%15.5%

*Modified total direct costs

The amounts above will be reviewed periodically and may be changed in order to comply with the NIH limit on maximum total compensation to a graduate student. In cases where an award is recommended but a sponsor imposes a percentage cut to the requested budget, this percentage cut can be applied to the tuition request.

For proposals that request less than full-time salary support for graduate student Research Assistants, the Research Assistant’s percentage effort will be applied to the tuition request amount. For example, a 50% time Research Assistant would include a request for 50% of our current full-time graduate student tuition cost.


The following fees also need to be included in proposal budgets that request funding to support graduate students. Effective July 1, 2025, these fees per student, per year are:

Health Insurance $2,841

Student Fee $589

Technology Fee $150

Contact ORSP
